Last week, there was news of someone released due to #COVID19 being rearrested for a crime. But as the @StarAdvertiser notes, we checked and they were *not* on the list.

It's critical to get the facts around COVID-19 and our jails and prisons right. 
We need to end the stigma surrounding people being released from our jails and prison as dangerous or unworthy of being released right now. Using misinformation to scare the public into opposing humane and commonsense COVID-19 related release is an example of that.
There’s no question that if someone released commits a crime it is wrong and tragic, but it cannot negate the rights that incarcerated people have to avoid death by a virus the government cannot currently protect them from.
When Hawaii’s economy reopens, there will likely be a surge in cases. All it takes is one person to bring COVID-19 into our overcrowded jails and prisons, where it will spread like wildfire as it did in Rikers.
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