I wonder which bay area startups are working on a machine learning powered camera that'll detect when people try to enter a store without a mask on, and sound an alarm
the #1 reason why companies would want this is that right now a lot of grocery stores and home improvement stores are having to station an employee at the entrances to stop people without masks.
and given the huge labor shortage right now, they'd rather spend a few hundred dollars on an AI mask-detector system than have to pay yet another minimum wage employee
and it's just unthinkable that there'd be a "labor shortage" of minimum wage workers at a time when going to work might get you and your family killed
it is kinda funny how all these places currently have multiple signs saying to PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASK
and then in small text "it's the law"
it's like that David Mitchell bit where he talks about a proposed anti-smoking law that includes a lot of rules about how many "no smoking" signs have to be placed everywhere... but that now it's the law that you can't smoke anywhere, surely you don't need the signs?
because it's not like you have "no murdering" signs everywhere.
"For the comfort of other customers, please don't STAB THEM IN THE FACE"
although when I was out getting gas this morning, I saw two people walk past the sign on the door saying "WEAR YOUR MASK" and the sign on the floor saying "WEAR YOUR MASK" and it took about 6 "SIR, YOUR MASK!" calls from the clerk for them to understand
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