it upsets me that some people are turning armys criticism of jino into a “solo stans are acting up again” type of thing when the guy genuinely disrespected jimin and promise. he didn’t just say he disliked the song, he straight up mocked it. defending jimin is part of being ot7
i feel like ppl wouldn’t stand for anyone criticizing the rapline’s artistry so we should keep the same energy with the vocal line too, no?
think of it this way if you still can’t see: imagine if he called mono unprofessional and forced. disrespectful isn’t it?
this is not a safe space for solo stans I’ll beat your ass
btw when i said “i feel like ppl wouldn’t stand for anyone criticizing the rapline’s artistry” i didn’t mean it as an insult so i apologize if it came off that way? what i meant is we always always defend the rapline when it comes to their music so we should keep the same energy
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