🚨5 key takeaways from today’s pivotal #SCOTUSLive arguments in Mazars, Deutsche Bank, & Vance -- all cases dealing with whether or not the president has immunity from accountability👇👇 #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw
1⃣As expected, Trump & DOJ attys portrayed Congressional & grand jury subpoenas as unprecedented and overreaching, when really *their* push for an imperial presidency is unprecedented...and dangerous. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUSLive
2⃣Trump’s attys pretended scope+scale of Trump investigs/pres subpoenas were new. But Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson, Buchanan, Grant...not to mention Nixon, Ford, Carter & Clinton would disagree! Receipts in our amicus brief. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/19/19-635/134533/20200302094924756_19-635%20bsac%20Former%20Republican%20Members%20of%20Congress%20et%20al.pdf
3⃣SCOTUS specifically considered the “hordes of local prosecutors harassing the president” strawman in Clinton v. Jones & dismissed the concern; it likely will do so again. #SCOTUS was skeptical even though Trump’s attys really pushed. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw
4⃣A worrying suggestion frm Thomas+Roberts if POTUS is subject to many investigs due to widespread alleged wrongdoing,the more likely those cumulative investigs create such a burden that…he can't be investigated bc it's so burdensome.That can’t be right. 🤔🤦‍♀️ #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
5⃣The president is not above the law. Pres.Trump’s arguments in these 3 cases are part of his larger effort to elevate the presidency above the law and make it completely unaccountable to the other co-equal branches. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUSLive
Overall, if #SCOTUS gets any of these cases wrong, our democracy will be irreparably damaged. Precedent and history are clear: the President is not (and cannot be) above the law. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUSLive
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