1/ THREAD: California just killed off the restaurant industry it helped to make famous.

Bye-bye iHOP
Bye-bye Benihana
Bye-bye Fogo de Chão
Bye-bye Dave & Busters

BEHOLD - the guidelines to re-open/destroy your business!
2/ First (and worst) bars, wineries, breweries and pubs who do not offer food may NOT open. NO problem just offer some peanuts for 10 cents?!
HA! you have to get a license for EVERYTHING in CA.
Restaurant CEO: "It's easier to open a restaurant in Siberia than California."
3/ So now you have to train a person to take other people's temperatures. And honestly, this is the probably the BEST part of your employee's day considering that it's the closest proximity they will have with each other.
4/ Yay for the EPA. You were probably already doing this as a CA restaurant but now that they have you by the jugular you better review the APPROVED products by the EPA
5/ So, with all that extra money you've been saving in your downtime I'm sure you afford to totally revamp your strip-mall Chinese food joint into an open-air stadium with state-of-the-art air filters.
6/ That fine-dining experience you have is out the door! You should just email your guests a copy of the menu because ANYTHING they touch has to be thrown away or washed immediately upon their exit. Including the menus.
7/ As a server in a high-end restaurant I hated prepping the table and guess what YOU WON'T HAVE TO.

It's gonna look like an empty table at an old saloon.
8/ Oh look! The perfect way to get rid of salt from our diets require it to be banished from tables foreever.
9/ Dang. I get enough sour looks from staff when I come into the pasta joint with a 3-yr-old and a 1-yr-old and ask for high chairs. Not only do they have to clean up the floor (a given) but they have to totally clean up the high chair too.

I apologize in advance.
10/ Remember paying extra for that special salad prep at the table or maybe even a little extra to see the Orange Flambe? No more. Done.

Oh holy crap! Is Benihana head?!
11/ We live in a world where the after-dinner mint Monty Python sketch doesn't exist.
12/ Bye bye pool tables, pinball machines, fun little stuffed dolls you can win for your kids... holy crap.

Dave & Busters is dead.
13/ No more buzzers but you can't wait in the lobby either so stay in your car and suffocate and if it's cold just turn on your car and destroy the environment like you just did at the grocery stores asking for plastic bags.

We are all so dumb.
14/ Ahhh there it it. Even if your bar/pub/winery offers food to allow people to buy alcohol ALL the bar areas are closed.

So cry in your non-beer.
15/ I have 7 kids. F this!
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