Did the Lockdown actually INCREASE the number of deaths due to COVID-19, instead of reducing it??

Upon investigating the CDC data of COVID-19 and Pneumonia deaths, it is extremely clear that something very fishy is going on!


Data sources in the end.
To start off, this chart provides the WEEKLY deaths in the US due to Pneumonia & Influenza over the last 10 years.
Notice that there is a seasonal pattern with the peaks always in Jan and troughs in Aug.
From Feb/Mar, the deaths ALWAYS start to decrease quickly.
Now here's where it starts getting interesting.
Here we see both COVID19 & Pneumonia weekly deaths in Feb-May 2020.
The Pneumonia deaths remain stable through Feb & mid-Mar at 3500 which is normal at this time of the year.
But suddenly both start increasing rapidly at end of Mar.
This is exactly when the Lockdown started!
The media will have us believe that ALL the COVID19 deaths are because of POTUS, but WHY ARE THE PNEUMONIA DEATHS ALSO INCREASING AT THE SAME TIME??
Pneumonia deaths are supposed to reduce in Apr, not suddenly explode upwards again!
Here is what I believe happened:
COVID19 is as dangerous as the common Flu, not more not less. It affects mostly those who are immuno-compromised, like older/sick people.
Because of the Lockdown, people's immunity decreased and thus the Pneumonia cases picked up momentum again.
This may be the only way one can explain why both COVID19 AND PNEUMONIA deaths increased in April simultaneously!
Based on this data, I would probably expect much LOWER COVID19 deaths IF THE LOCKDOWN HAD NOT HAPPENED!
I am sure POTUS might have been briefed about the actual mortality rate of COVID19 by his Intel, but still had to take this difficult & necessary step, as otherwise the Dems and the Media would have caused an uproar over not going into Lockdown in the whole Nation!

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