Someone shared this with me earlier today and I wanted to re-share it. It is a helpful reminder.
I've been blogging and tweeting much less the last couple of months. It's not because I am no longer invested in my usual topics or because I have lost interest in being connected to people. But my energy and focus have been radically altered in lockdown conditions.
I'm lucky. Graham and I both have work we enjoy and can do from home, we're healthy, we get along well, and we have enough living space that we can share without causing each other distress. And we don't have kids we're suddenly homeschooling.
Even with the easiest possible mode, though, it's life-changing, and I can deal with, like, a few minutes a day of social media before other people's distress overloads me, so I tend to spend it looking for whether there's anyone I can concretely help and then leave
Anyway, still exist and if you need me I still am available by email, even if I'm a little (okay a lot) slower than usual answering right now. And I'm trying to have enough brain space to come out on the other side fighting for a future society that is better than the one past
You can follow @emshort.
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