the thing about astro is that people sometimes forget they’re the first boy group of a small company that was known only for their actors, they’re one of the most successful groups of 2016 right after groups of the big three, for a small company their achievements are incredible
i’m extremely tired of people treating them like they’re worth nothing, like eunwoo friends, joking about how they have not fans, they DO have fans and they’re hard work is what brought them here
they have survived a one year long hiatus something not a lot of groups can say they’ve done, they’ve sold out fanmeeting a, concerts, tours, they have amazing sales and are able to chart even right now against all this big competitors
i’m not asking for you to stan or love them, i’m asking for your respect towards them and their fans, i’m asking you to not discredit all their achievements or hard work please, they’re a group of good boys who just want to stand together on stage for their fans, leave them alone
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