There’s a myriad of different reasons people write/read “dark” fiction.

Maybe you suffered trauma and are confronting it in a safe and controlled environment.

Maybe you’re confronting a moral argument within yourself.

Maybe you’re testing your characters.+
Maybe you’re testing your ability as a writer to handle something dark.

Maybe you just want to write/read dark fic for no reason.

And yes, I’m sure there is a small group of people out there who use it for not so “nice” things.

To assume anyone and everyone who engages with or creates “dark” fic/art is either supportive irl of the subject matter or using it for negative purposes is both inaccurate and dismissive of those survivors you’re claiming to be defending.+
You don’t have to like it and you don’t have to engage with those creators/readers, but they have a right to exist in a fandom space without fearing for their //real life// safety.

You don’t know them or their situation.

To jeopardize their safety b/c you don’t approve of their fiction consumption? To risk their actual life b/c you’re upset by their way of engagement with fandom? B/c some bad people might use dark fic for bad things?

That’s not their fault. You shouldn’t take it out on them.
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