Random facts about animals..
Giraffes are unable to cough or swim due to thier body proportions. They will die if they get stuck in a river or if something gets caught in their throat.
The heart of a shrimp is located in its head. ...
Kangaroos can't fart... 😂😂
Pigeons and monkeys can do math
Dolphins have names for one another.. ( they develop specific whistles for one another)
Sloths can take up to a month to completely digest a single leaf.
Cows have best friends they have stronger social ties than you might think. One 2013 study conducted by researchers at the University of Northampton found that when cows were separated from their BFFs, their heart rates increased as a sign of stress.
Some fish change sex in response to hormonal cycle or environmental changes. Others simultaneously possess both male and female sex organs
When A Baby Elephant Is Born, Other Mothers In The Social Group Will Trumpet To Celebrate Or Announce The Baby’s Arrival
Octopuses Make Cute Little Gardens By Collecting Stones And Shiny Things And Arranging Them In The Sand
Penguins Not Only Mate For Life, They Will Also Spend Time To Find A Beautiful Pebble For Their Mate And Then “Propose” With It”
Female dragonflies will dramatically fake their own deaths to escape from unwanted sexual advances
Horses use facial expressions to communicate with each other.
During mating season, lions get it on 20-40 times a day.
Fruit Fly Swarms Are Really Just Massive Orgies.
That big knot of fruit flies buzzing around your fruit or your head. Yeah, they’re hungry for more than just some overripe bananas. They’re swinging.
Male dolphins are aggressive predators and they will regularly participate in gang rape.
Groups of male dophins will single out female dolphins and rape her repeatedly. If she tries to escape, they will make threatening noises, smack, bite, and body-slam her.
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