Alpharetta, GA

0:16 - Start Ghost vamp

0:33 - Vocals kick in

1:46 - Break (standard Ghost/blues changes) Page mini Clavinet solo

2:56 - Final Ghost chorus
3:33 - Ghost jam starts, band loosely improvising in A minor & A Dorian...Fish playing very quietly, and generally keeping the 1 of bar fairly empty

6:05 - Mike stresses the 5th & b6th of A minor which hints at A aeolian mode
7:05 - Page playing lines A Dorian, Mike is playing lines in A Aeolian, Trey is playing lines and mixing both of those modes

7:23 - Page superimposes C major over the band’s current A minor vibe, Mike & Trey hop on a few seconds later, whole band shifts from A minor to C major
8:09 - Whole band cutely builds a “My First Bliss Jam” kit in real time

8:58 - Trey accents the b7th of C, whole band hears it and knows where he’s taking the jam - from C major to C mixolydian

9:01 - Entire band supports Trey in C mixolydian
9:12 - Fish drops into half-time

9:26 - Page begins loosely playing in standard time to increase energy, Fish briefly responds by doing the same but then goes back to half time

10:22 - Trey soaring leads in C mixolydian

11:20 - Mike stresses the note G (the 5th of C)
11:26 - Page yes and’s Mike by not only playing G, but playing G minor

11:40 - Trey hears what Page & Mike are doing and crashes a big G minor chord on guitar, cementing the shift from C mixolydian to G minor, crowd loses it
12:00 - Fish experiments with switching between half-time and regular time

13:00 - Band grooving on G minor & G Dorian

13:30 - Trey engages delay

14:48 - Crowd loses it for no audibly discernible reason - either glow stick war or Gordon’s flashing some ankle
15:30 - Gordon engages envelope filter

15:44 - Page switches to synth

15:50 - Super Mario gets a coin

16:00 - an awesome little moment where Page bends his note down, and Trey picks up right where Page’s note left off. I rewound and listened to this a few times
16:20 - Trey and Page weaving around each other in G Dorian

16:43 - Trey starts trilling while Mike percolates underneath him

17:15 - Trey starts playing C major/mixolydian underneath the band’s bed of G minor
18:03 - Band has agreed to from G minor to C major/mixolydian from Trey’s insistence

18:32 - Page switches from synth to piano, supporting Trey as he solos in C mixolydian

19:13 - Trey tremolo picks his way up the neck —> peak
19:53 - Page superimposes wonky piano triplets on top of the groove, giving a bluesy sound

20:13 - Trey hits a big C power chord, bends it via whammy, 20 minutes in this usually signals that the jam is winding down

20:26 - Trey brute forces back into Ghost intro
20:42 - Final crash

20:51 - End Ghost

All timestamps are from the AUD version (hug a taper)

Hope everyone has a great time during Dinner & a Movie tonight! ⭕️
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