I wanna share something about LCDLF that might not be so funny but it explains why im attached to it.

When the S2 released I wasnt in an adequate state of mind. I’d just lost 2 family members back to back w a 2 week difference.

Seeing a distressed, disturbed & depressed Paulina
Over her mother’s death was probably hmm not good for my mental stability or lack there of.
The funeral episode really hit home the most bc I‘d never dealt w grief before, at least not the double amount of grief that I had to experience, which just felt like one big ball of grief
Mind you, these ppl died in June and it took me Paulina saying she thought she was going crazy at the funeral, in order for the grief from 4 months ago to hit me like a slap from Michael Jordan’s hand.

And i just became really S word.
Yes I got over it eventually
Yes I sobbed uncontrollably for an hour just before S3 released bc grief hit me yet again Bc coincidentally the show released the day of my abuela’s birthday.

And i took that time to grief my abuela and my cousin yet again and the fact that I wasnt gonna see Paulina anymore.
Paulina the character whom I hated at the beginning bc she was an asshole and that then I realized that I hated her bc I saw myself reflected in her.

Paulina who taught me that theres no specific way to grief but at the same time taught me how to.
And as much as Cec¡lia Suarez clearly is slightly annoyed by the character, people wont get over her bc Paulina just taught people a lot of shit that they needed to learn. & im one of them

La vida después de ti will always be 1 of my favorite phrases & LCDLF one of my fav shows
I still absolute hate Man*lo Car* no doubt about that
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