I’m getting seriously angry at the eugenics narrative that’s being peddled around covid 19.

Here is the thread.
Black/brown ppl are dying at higher rates.

Here is what will/has gone down:

1. Denial: The virus doesn’t discriminate, the stats aren’t released for time.

2. Victim blaming: it's down to personal choice, diabetes and obesity are down to eating habits.

3: Distraction: it’s due to a vitamin D deficiency.

4: Eugenics: These deaths are because brown and black people are genetically inferior.

Straight from the eugenicist handbook. Let people die, blame them and their choices and further your agenda.

What’s actually going on.

a. There’s a link between being BAME, deprivation and diabetes, etc.

b. There’s a link between BAME/PoC doing the jobs that place them in danger; couple that with the #1 ppl are having to choose between rent and their health.

1:7 Pakistani men work as taxi drivers 1:100 white British men. Social care workers, security guards also more likely to be people of colour. MT from @omaromalleykhan


c. The vitamin D nonsense will be trotted out soon. If vitamin D impacts our immune systems so badly, why does it take a global pandemic to highlight this? Do we not matter? Did we ever?

d. Higher rates are based on the premise that we are all treated the same.

As well as the elderly, there are also inequities in provision that particularly affect people with mental health problems from BAME communities. Do not be poor, black, old and depressed in England, because you’re very unlikely to get treated.


5/n #mh
e. BAME/PoC in the NHS are dying at higher rates. Again, assuming that all doctors and nurses are treated the same. Complaints are disproportionate, reported bullying is higher, civility in the NHS is a factor for saving lives.

Disproportionate referrals of BAME Drs to fitness to practise processes could be driven by poor induction and support, working patterns which leave them isolated and poor feedback by managers, research commissioned by the GMC has found.



Some groups of doctors are treated as ‘outsiders’, creating barriers to opportunities and making them less favoured than ‘insiders’ who experience greater workplace privileges and support.


Being black and pregnant - in the UK you are 5 times more likely to die in childbirth. It must be to do with genetic and class- wait definitely not class reading below.

Black m-class women were more likely to die than white w-class women


Want to read more personal accounts on this abomination? I posit that racism has a part to play here, but in all of these studies, we assume from a starting point that it does not. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-47115305
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