okay here we go AUB regions as hogwarts houses:
this is in no way a reflection of quidbitxh’s biases i hate all of aub equally💖
Slytherin: elitists, will make fun of your major or think theyre better than you, wouldn’t trust them with anything, worst people on earth
Bio/Phys/Chem (sorry fafs love y’all)
Ravenclaw: wannabe smart people, LOVE to tell you their majors, mention the words “premed,” “MCAT” and “medschool” like they’re the holy trinity, no real personality besides their major
Van Dyck/Post idrk whats there but yeah that
Hufflepuff: no one *really* has an opinion about them but we all need them,, i see you med lab/audio, nursing & co.
Gryffindor: braver than the marines for going into majors that won’t get them employed stay strong kids solve your maths write your papers create your art use the word dichotomy 🙏🏼🙏🏼💖
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