Disclaimer: This upcoming thread will be in English. The only intent of this thread is to share the steps of my new project as I’m aiming to become better in this hobby. Hopefully, It will start in the new future. https://twitter.com/ashrafalbukhari/status/1260268787124842501
A side goal of this project to inspire anyone whose wishing to build an aquarium, and I’ll be glad if I could be of any help to whomever needs/wants.
I’m still a beginner; mistakes will be made, though I will try my best to avoid them and provide quality content. Thank you for your support in advance. As always, stay tuned!
Let’s start 🙌
First things first, this project is called an “Aquascape” which means the craft of arranging aquarium with plants to mimic the freshwater nature for fish. Some researchers suggests that aquascapes reduce stress and provides comfort and clarity for the viewers—
You can follow @AshrafAlBukhari.
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