I have something to say and I hope you read and understand this thread with an open mind and of course please retweet so it reaches that vulnerable person whom it’s meant for.
There are many Dietitians and Doctors on Twitter NG who thrive on banter and sarcasm to give health advice, and while it’s funny and you make fun of those that feel attacked by the tweets without minding why they feel that way, Please Remember that:
For every person who drank themselves into liver failure, there is someone who has never had a drop of alcohol in their lives that also has some type of liver failure.
For every person who developed diabetes because they eat anyhow (thought that’s not how diabetes really works 😬),there is someone who was born with it or who has done all the lifestyle and diet things right all their life and still developed it.
For every person who developed high blood cholesterol levels because they eat too much bokoto and plenty palm oil in their soup, there is someone who can’t afford bokoto and manages their palm oil so that one bottle will last for months that also has high blood cholesterol.
For every person who has hypertension because they eat too much salt or because they are obese or sedentary, there is that one skinny person, who runs everyday and barely eats salts that died of hypertension while driving to work.
For every person who is obese due to gluttony and lack of discipline, there is someone struggling with PCOS (unknowingly) and has done everything to lose weight and nothing worked, but still feels attacked when she sees your tweet.
There is also someone who was born chubby and because of the pressure society by society to lose weight, has focused all their lives on losing weight so much that they’ve struggled with eating disorders and depression as a result for as long as they remember.
For every person who has developed lung cancer as a result of smoking, there is also someone who never had a stick of cigarette all their life , but also died of lung cancer.
I could go on and on, however the lady braiding my hair is giving me side eye because I’m tweeting instead of helping her to divide attachment ( which I will never do, but I don’t want her to feel bad), I’ll just summarize 😏
What I’m saying is that while I agree that most Nigerians need to revamp their lifestyle for the better; For the sake of those who didn’t “bring diseases upon themselves” solely by their actions and choices, we should all be more kind.
I know most of the followers retweet when a tweet is “savage” or “sarcastic” or seems like you’re dragging a certain group of people, but are these tweets really“doing no harm”? I know you can’t help everybody but, you can be more emotionally intelligent.
I’ll end with this; Eating disorders are fast becoming the mental health disease with the highest suicide rates in the world. I’m sure people with MHD are not your target audience, but they are on twitter and they see your tweets. Please be kind

Affection and illumination 💖
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