love seeing "you're virtue signaling if you believe not everyone can go vegan" on my timeline.

considering like, I can't? I'm allergic to two main ingredients in almost all vegan cooking and many many vegetables trigger severe IBS flairs
To be fair, I'm very close to a pescatarian naturally, but people literally have food allergies that can prevent them from eating whatever diet you can think of
really, i would have little problem mentally with being vegan if the option was open but as it is, its still HARD or impossible for some people to live on a vegan diet. Maybe figure out more foods that don't rely on cashews and soy products would be cool.
and before ppl get pissy about that, i try to cook vegetarian and vegan meals at home because Tyr is a vegetarian and i like cooking/baking for vegan friends and friends with food allergies so i am ALSO looking for more options
so instead of telling me Im virtue signaling for clout, we come together and try to come up with more ways to help people step away from animal products. I believe big animal industry is wrong and bad too! But setting my insides on fire isn't going to help in the meantime
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