how the media fucked up britney is beyond, you can’t even see britney in this pic
You are watching a mother of 2 that’s arriving to court to fight for her child custody, who’s also dealing with mental health issues, is being hated by the world for no reason and is being stalked/harassed 24/7. Think twice before you talk shit about Britney Spears 😘
Let me get this off my chest too: Britney is one of the strongest women I know. She’s one of my biggest inspiration. Imagine having the world saying shit like this. If someone in this industry deserves a time-out, it’s definitely Britney.
This video is from january 2008. If you’re like: “paparazzi makes her famous, it’s a part of being a celebrity” then fuck off. Her art makes her famous and being harassed by people till the point that it fucks up your mental health is not ok.
So since this thread is doing good let me add this: stream Blackout 💕💕 the album where she had fully creative control over and is hanging in Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 😘 the album that paved the way for your current faves
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