Can you figure it out?
What do these tweets & #Obamagate force Democrats to do?
It forces Democrats to find people to blame below Obama, so they will have to claim Brennan, Clapper & the rest fooled Obama. To do that they have to start covering the evidence of their roles in this
They have to abandon the conspiracy theory line, and accuse people 2-3 layers below Obama of being the ones who hatched the conspiracy. They will have to PROVE that the crimes happened at CIA, DNI, & FBI & not inside the White House.
We will see how long that works, because those people are in a quandary. Because of the slow walk, they are all on the record under oath denying their roles in these crimes.

When the evidence comes out, they will get thrown under the bus by the Dems to save Obama.
That means for people like Brennan & Clapper there is only one way to save themselves from getting ground under the tires. They have to not only admit their previous stories were perjury, they will have to bring proof that their new stories are true!
They will have to prove they were following orders, that they weren't the ringleaders. But to get there, first Democrats must be convinced that throwing them under the bus will save Obama.
And the media will tell everyone that will listen that it was only Obama's people not him!
In the long run, making the media erase 4 years of fake anti-Trump news stories to save Obama.

Probably with no idea that the real evidence trails will lead to the Clintons manipulating the entire process!
So we will get to spend the rest of 2020, watching the media reverse course & cover Spygate. Dig through the transcripts & evidence that we've already read in an effort to blame people below Obama for doing it. Just so they can attempt to save Obama & Biden from taking the blame!
But I'm sure people like Brennan & Clapper knew this could go horribly wrong... Which means they all have insurance policies, so the defensive leaks to Washington Post & NY Times will start hinting that they weren't the only ones involved, hoping the media will protect them too!
Which will lead the investigators who read between the lines, straight to the receipts & insurance policies that will prove just how high up & how long this Spygate scandal has gone on. It goes way higher than Obama...
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