Religion and force, a đŸ§” (read if you are bored😊)

Some people (you know who) want to establish religion by force, rules and punishment.
They have completely missed the point..1/
The Holy Quran talks about religion/revelation as water descending from clouds leading to greenery and spring (16:66)...2/
Plants can die if they are flooded with water. They slowly absorb it and it becomes part of them. This leads them to grow and flourish ...3/
If you want to show the benefits of the religion than become like beautiful orchards not thorny bushes...4/
Remember, it is your ugly and thorny example what leads people away from religion in the first place...5/
If the water is absorbed properly with understanding and care, beautiful gardens develop with tall trees and strong roots. Their branches of spirituality reach the heavens (27:61)...6/
Remember there are seasons. There is spring and summer but also autumn and winter. Same happens to our faith and spirituality. Goal is to keep us attached till there is spring again. We may look like dead but will come alive (16:66)...7/
It was indeed the kindness and mercy of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) which attracted people around him not any harshness or punishment (3:160)...8/
All of us need to reflect on our words and actions and see what sort of impact we are having on our fellow human beings.We may be forgiven for lapses in worship but will likely not be forgiven if we hurt someone intentionally
Thanks for reading (if anyone will get this far)â˜ș.9/
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