I swear only gamers can play a game for 13,000 HOURS, and then somehow say that this sucked and that sucked.

Thirteen. HUNDRED. Hours.

And yet somehow has the gall to bitch about it on Reddit.

Like WTF????
I'm pretty sure they don't actually play the game...cause like.......the joke is that Glamour is the true end game....

How do you have 13,000 hours and think this -_-
I'm just amazed that you can put thirteen thousand plus hours in a game and somehow be like,

"It's terrible. I'm never leaving. But it's terrible. Garbage. TRASH! I'll never quit you! Trash!"
This kinda stuff is why MMO's are struggling so damn hard. NO one seems to want to actually do the whole MULTIPLAYER part.

MP is more than just raids ya'll. I know everyone's memory seemed to start with World of Warcraft..but I promise you..it didn't.
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