“Why do you get judged for gay sex if you’re celibate?”

The reason is that Christians see sex when they see gays. Plain and simple. When I walk into a cons. church I might as well have “gay sex” tattooed to my forehead. They see THIS and not me.
And if you think it’s my fault for identifying as gay, think again. This happens whether I say that I’m gay or not! It has nothing to do with how I identify and everything to do with the prejudices that Christians harbor in their hearts.
Christians inherently sexualize gay people. It’s a problem that has been going on for generations, and it functions to maintain gay people’s status as “perverts” in the church. They refuse to see us as people. We’re sex demons and nothing else.
I can already hear people being like, “Haven’t you ever seen a pride parade? The flaunting of gay sex is everywhere it’s disgusting!”
Anyone who has ever worked with oppressed and marginalized communities knows that this is one of the most common ways that marginalized people respond to stigma in order to break free of it.
More than once I’ve wanted to walk into church wearing a vagina hat and dildo just to take away their power to shame. This is a *common* way for marginalized ppl to reclaim oppressive narratives. Obviously we don’t do it in church. But in a parade? Absolutely.
The reason is not because *we* are just so sexual we just want to flaunt it everywhere. Rather, the *culture* turns us all into a bunch of raving sexual demons. We take control of that narrative by stealing its power to shame.
This is actually one reason among many that words like “gay” and “lesbian” were so important to the gay rights movement. They were a way to decenter the centrality of “sex” to our identity and emphasize the holistic reality of our lived experience.
This is also why Christians so vehemently opposed words like “gay” and “lesbian” and insisted on calling us “homosexuals” during the gay rights movement. It was an attempt to keep us sexualized.
Rest assured. It’s not gay people who define themselves by sex. It’s Christians who can’t see us as anything else. Gay people are sexual beings. But that’s because we are *human* beings. It’s not because we’re gay.
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