Settle in for story time, and question why no media outlet is following up on this.

In Oct 19, Charlie Evans went on Sky News and claimed there were 100s of people seeking help detransitioning.

This was a blockbuster claim as all studies show detransition is rare.
Charlie is a detransitioner. She says she lived as a man for 10 years, however she didn't have surgery or take hormones, so one would immediately question whether she was the most qualified/experienced person to offer the help detransitioners needed.

Still, she went ahead...
1. By December 19 Charlie updated her followers on what she was actually doing.
2. She also said she was "really struggling" and needed donations. As far as I can tell she was unemployed.
3 & 4. However, by Mar 20, it was clear that some of this work had not even been started.
Now imagine the head of a trans advocacy service like Mermaids sent out a tweet looking for amateur advice for vulnerable people, the media frenzy that would ensue, and the accusations of unprofessionalism that would cause.

But when DAN did it? Nothing. Read on, it gets worse.
Back on Nov 19, Charlie fundraised for a website. She got 980 quid.

However, the website didn't appear until Mar 20, after a false start.

The website was made with the free service WIX, and an amateur could create it in less time than it takes to watch The Irishman on Netflix.
The website is 5 pages. It has a scant resource page which links to someone's blog, Tumblr and Youtube videos. It has a contact page which indicates a few people taking enquires, however there is no indication of who they are/quals etc. Read on for the twist near the end.
The last page of the website is a donation page, which links to a Patreon. DAN brings in $226 a month.

I would suggest that you cannot provide a professional 24/7 listening service for 100s of vulnerable people on that budget.

And, indeed, Charlie is no longer doing that.
Charlie is a lab tech by trade and because lab techs are needed to combat COVID, Charlie got a job. She said in a tweet she is working 60 hr weeks. So who is providing the 24/7 listening service she promised now?

Also, the DAN Twitter page hasn't tweeted since she left.
So what about the charity that was apparently essential to help "hundreds" of detransitioners that the media reported extensively on back in Oct, whose founder departed 6 months later, saying she "will not be doing anymore media"?

Why aren't the media following up on that?
This is how the UK media drives anti-trans narratives. I've seen Charlie's claims repeated as if they are fact, and yet there's no indication that DAN was anything more than her, a few mates, and a laptop.

The only mainstream critical article I can find is on NBC.
Charlie said that "resources are urgently needed" in that article and yet it took her 980 quid, and 4 months, to make a website that has a total of 5 links to blog/Tumblr advice and 2 links to YouTube documentaries.

Any detransitioner would do better in an evening of Googling.
In Jan 2020, DAN raised 175 quid to fly someone over for what they called their "last-minute 2nd meetup." To help them with research to provide 100s of people with urgent help you say? No, for walks, pubs, and the cinema. That's what we, in Ireland, call "a weekend on the piss."
Normally, when the head of a service or charity leaves, especially one that is providing "urgent help" they appoint a new head. Charlie did not do that. There is now no public face of DAN and only four email addresses to guess at who might be providing advice...
No public face means no accountability. Who is getting the 226 quid Patreon money every month? What qualifications do they have? What services are being provided with this money? Research? Phone bills? Or is the money going on local chapters' "English pubs and movie nights"?
There is simply no indication that Charlie's claim to know 100s of detransitioners (300 to be precise, as per an article by Julie Bindel) that needed her to provide a service like DAN for urgent help was ever true, or, if it was, that she ever provided this in a timely manner.
She left DAN when a job opportunity arose, 6 months after formation, and it seems utterly remiss of the UK media not to revisit this story for an update on the 300 detransitioners and how they have been helped in the last 6 months, outside of "country walks and English pubs."
Who promotes themselves as an advocate for 100s of vulnerable people, and then stops helping them to take up an unrelated job opportunity?Advocates are usually in it for the long haul, because they care deeply about the people they are helping and don't "retire" after 6 months.
Consider Susie Green from Mermaids, who has been with that org since 1999. Now consider that Susie Green and Mermaids are under constant UK media scrutiny, and yet Charlie Evans is able to do a huge media splash and then drop her advocacy within 6 months without a ripple?
I am not in a position to investigate, but am I the only one here who thinks that serious questions need to be asked? Surely, even the people who believe her claims must be wondering how she can drop providing help to 100s of people who urgently needed her help within 6 months?
Maybe Liam Knox of @NBCOUT could do a follow up to his previous piece, as this seems like a story worth investigating? @PinkNews ? @guardian even?
Or maybe @sallylockwood who did the original Sky News story?
Care to investigate @stellaomalley3? I assume you believed Charlie, so it must trouble you greatly that she has ditched the org after 6 months?
You are a patron of this org after all. Aren't you concerned about where your money is going, and who is accountable for it?
This is Stella's response. As you will note, none of this answers any of the points made, it's just a bunch of slanderous ad hominem. I have since found out that Stella is actually heavily involved with this org. There are questions to be answered.
I have nothing against her personally, and I'm sure she's a fine person in many regards, but there are certainly questions to be answered in relation to her involvement here.

I am blocked, so I can't ask those questions.
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