“We partner with the oysters” 😭
Footage of them partnering with the oyster
*BREAKING NEWS* this just in, oysters just outside the building have started a snel protest. “We demand higher wages and more flexible hours” one oyster says
THIS JUST IN, the chicken that couldn’t afford an umbrella has seemingly joined the protest. We will be reporting back to you as events unfold.
UPDATE LIVE 2020 riots have begun and there is seemingly no slowing down the movement
It appears a middle aged oyster has escalated riots further and official reports have confirmed him to thrown a Molotov cocktail
LIVE UPDATE: Kendal Jenner is seemingly on scene and is negotiating with police. Things are seemingly calmer while everyone waits for miss Jenner to finish negotiations
LIVE NEW BREAKING NOW LIVE RIGHT NOW, police seemingly has drank the Pepsi, and protesters are celebrating. Negotiations on the oyster partnership still currently ongoing inside the building.
UPDATE LIVE BREAKING BAD: oyster has updated demands for partnership with the humans. Humans seem to be exhausted, one seems to be signing something. Could this be the turning point of the situation?
NEGOTIATIONS SEEM TO HAVE COME TO A HALT, i’d this the end of negotiations or merely a smoke break?
The oyster takes a victorious stance and tells interviewers “we did it! We’ve come to a mutual agreement and an official partnership has been reached”. Protesters and Blonde Kendall Jenner rejoice in the streets
The end.
Why did I make this thread
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