Dear Asian American men:

Never, ever date a white woman who stores your contact on her phone like this. Just don't do it.
I am still fuming about this shit. He's a good guy. But pretty white girls get a pass like none other. She probably thought she was being funny as shit
My favorite part about this is the
(I'm not Racist)

That is the white person bandaid that cancels out all casual racist jokes.
I'm not still angry about THIS in particular. Just disappointed.

It just reflects back on us Asian Americans in a sad way, that white people feel "safe" joking to us like this.

And yes, I'm also talking about Asian American *women*. In fact, probably even more so about us.
This is the price we pay to exist in White spaces. To be that White-adjacent model minority.

Asian American women who marry into White families know that particularly well.
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