In 2017, Melanie Martínez was accused of rape, the accusation turned out to be false, yet everyone canceled her and ruined her career as quickly as possible, and then there's 6ixi9ine who just got out of jail for raping a girl, yet everyone celebrates him.
Let's clarify something. 6ix9ine went to jail for gang related crimes, but he's also a ped0ph!le, the girl he rape was a minor, having only 13 years old, and he said the n word multiple times without being cancelled as they did with Camila Cabello. #6ix9ineIsOverParty
Timothy Heller changed her story over 3 times, changed the dates several times, the evidence she showed was faked and Melanie said everything they did together was consensual. The industry hates women while they praise men with dirty names. #JusticeForMelanie #STREAMPLAYDATE
thank you! 🥺💕
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