Why the #GirlBoss or #BossBabe Movement is a Scam [A thread]

How this faux greedy feminism guilts trip you into supporting terrible female entrepreneurs & their businesses.

Female empowerment shouldn't lead to exploitation & greed.

This trend is cruel & predatory.
This thread is NOT a dig at any specific person or organization.

I'm calling out a "culture" that claims to help women build businesses and earn money when they're just taking advantage of them.

It's image-obsessed and it uses the female gender as a way to avoid criticism.
These specific people and businesses have poor that hurt people’s lives.

And here's the funny thing, you don't have to be a woman to do this!

Many men are also in on this scheme.
So what’s a Boss Babe?

This is usually an attractive, outgoing, and driven woman who builds a following based on her desire to see other women succeed.

She swears she’s for female empowerment. She wants all of us to get along.

Image: RedBubble/Breanna Jones
But when you DM her on IG, or refuse to buy her product, or fund her company, she gets very rude.

She starts to be condescending.

And when you call her out, she says, “Why don’t women support each other?”

“Nobody wants to see women succeed.”
Also, the latter is very true. Female entrepreneurs get a lot of BS and they deserve more support.

But these women fail to admit that they get so much hate because they exploit OTHER WOMEN!

Here are the different types of these women you will see online & off:
1) The Branding, Blogging, or Marketing Guru

I first met these girls on Pinterest. They're still there but many of them are on IG.

You probably saw their Facebook Ad.

(Disclaimer: I've bought one of these before lol)
This girl swears to succeed online, you have to have a great brand, blog, etc.

Although this is true, this woman is packaging her information in a cookie-cutter way.

But that's not the problem. The problem is the SHE STEALS!

Image: Flickr
I know because this happened to us while I was a marketing intern/associate for a female marketing agency owner.

This woman would sell branding & marketing kits.

But one day, I found this random post created by this very popular IG woman.
I looked at her page and realized it looked very similar to my client/boss. So I asked her about it.

Apparently, this woman I saw on IG was a former client of hers. She downloaded of her eBooks and past them on as her own!

Same style, info, and design!
My client didn't sue her because this shit happens all the time in the online space.

Many of the female bloggers & experts online have plagiarized their digital products from other people.

They also took other people's quotes, content ideas, and business models WITHOUT GIVING

These women are building online empires from other people's work.

They're calling themselves business experts WITH NO BUSINESS EXPERIENCE.

They're forcing you to but their products, merch, and courses, not because they're valuable but because you're a woman.
An example is Rachel Hollis. She has best-selling books on Amazon.

Not only does she push MLMs, another problem I'll speak later, but she also plagiarizes.

Although she is NOT a marketing expert, she is an example of a woman who often plagiarizes: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniemcneal/rachel-hollis-girl-wash-face-accused-plagiarizing-quotes
These women are the definition of imposter syndrome.

They're frauds.

They have no past experience building a 6 figure business but they swear they do.

And to compensate for their lack of experience, they try to build a following that will never second guess them.
2) The Brunch Girls

These are some mean-ass heffas!

Have y'all noticed how there's a clique on IG, Twitter, & Pinterest of certain women who have a certain feminine aesthetic who only promotes each other?

This goes beyond just black women. https://twitter.com/VeuveKiyquot/status/1259953566984388609
They're always asking y'all to give them money. Join their webinar, brunches, etc.

$150 per ticket for great business advice.

And when you attend those virtual & in-person meetings, there's no value???

Because YOU'RE the business model.

Image: WeHeartIt
They very much rely on each other to sucker other women into buying their high ticket events.

Usually, these girls are not nearly as positive as they are on social media.

Love, live, laugh my ass.

This is a growing problem in the guru world.
People are selling low-value stuff with pretty landing pages & fonts.

They have no desire to help you grow. And they have HORRIBLE customer service.

Instead, they would rather look pretty and hang out with their homegirls. https://twitter.com/_laempresa/status/1259994660765908992
They'll never collaborate with someone who looks different than them.

They're also hostile to women who have actual experience, skills, and knowledge. Because they'll blow their cover.

It's easy to be a big fish in a small pond when nobody knows any better.

Image: Getty
3) The Fake Lifestyle Entrepreneur
It's easy to look at people's IG and feel like you're not successful.

You don't have fancy cars or expensive purses.

Well, good news for you! It's most likely fake or a rental.

Image: Cosmopolitan
They use IG filters, take photos of themselves in fancy clothes, and promise that YOU can be just like them.

It's all smoke & mirrors. Most of them don't owe the shit that they say they do.

And it's a growing problem among both male & female entrepreneurs.
4) The "Strong" Startup Founder

This is actually one of the most hurtful types. Female startup founders barely get any funding and it's a problem.

But I don't like is this idea that we shouldn't call out those startup founders who created aggressive and abusive work cultures.
EX: Elizabelth Holmes & her mutli-billion dollar fraud

Image: Inc.

(I have this magazine issue btw)

These un-self-aware people are TERRIBLE BOSSES!

They have terrible business practices, they exploit their employee's labor, and lie to the public.
But the crazy story was Catherine Hoke. Before getting in trouble for running a BS startup.

She was banned from a Texas Prison for fucking the inmates she was supposed to help and mentor.

I'm not saying this to hate on female founders. It's just that it's not an excuse to NOT be great and effective managers.

There's the idea that we must become more ruthless in business.

I don't want to support businesses like that.
Often, we have been discouraged by the male superiors in our lives.

We shouldn't become like them to be successful.

Startup culture has really made being an asshole a positive personality trait.

Steve Jobs got fired for doing the absolute most.
5) The MLM Monster

This person is usually a mix of the past women I mentioned.

You know, those girls who are trying to recruit you on Facebook? Help them sell makeup, leggings, and become an ambassador?

They're a fucking problem!
They use all the tricks to urge women, mostly single moms or lonely wives, to spend money buying their stock & recruiting others.


You will not make a lot of money. In fact, you will go into debt.

They're Avon, Mary Kay, LulaRose, Herbalife, Younique, etc.
You most likely know a woman selling their stuff already.

What's bad about is that they develop a community of vulnerable women who want financial freedom.

Women who NEED money.

They promise so much. That you'll pay for your kid's college or be a business owner.

You won't.
They force you to uphold a happy & positive image.

Like rent cars, you can't pay off. Wear certain clothes on IG. Use your trauma to get people like you.

It's a scam. They use womanhood or to trap you into promoting a BS business model.
Don't waste your money on these women & their products. It's not worth it.

Again, YOU'RE the business model.
6) The Influencer turned Guru or Boutique Owner

Here's where things get a little spicy.

I truly believe that certain people are not meant to be business owners.

It's very common for popular & beautiful girls to open a boutique or start promoting certain services.
There is nothing wrong with this if you're ethical. For example, Draya has built a sustainable multi-million dollar bikini line.

That took hard work. But some don't want to do that.

I worked with marketing experts & I offer free coaching calls: https://twitter.com/B2B_Writer/status/1243599810713866241
People always tell me that they want to work w/ celebrities. Here's some tea:

Celebrities & influencers are one of the WORST people to work with.

Just because someone has a lot of followers doesn't mean they have business sense.
Many of them are promoting shady businesses and people cuz they got paid. They didn't do their homework.

And their boutiques? It's just white label shit. Nothing special.

They don't even be paying the people they hire to help them! They really expect free shit.
This is why you need to be careful with these influencers. They don't care about you like that.

And if you ever try to work with them, get that fucking deposit BITCH! Cuz some of them will do everything in their power to NOT pay you.

Do you want to know if someone is full of shit? They get mad at you for asking questions!

Ask for a resume, portfolio, & certifications.

Please buy from people with a history of value & success.
For example here are my 15+ threads about freelancing & marketing.

This in-depth threads are a summary of my 5 year career and is worth $1000+: https://twitter.com/B2B_Writer/status/1230170051514421248
I'll be taking a break in June but I offer free coaching sessions to aspiring freelancers & marketers.

Here's a thread of positive reviews from over 20 people.

I try to make a lot of people's lives easier: https://twitter.com/B2B_Writer/status/1243599810713866241
Sorry, y'all! Here's a master thread off all freelance & marketing threads: https://twitter.com/B2B_Writer/status/1214612994769993735
You can follow @B2B_Writer.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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