Thread: “I’m-tired-of COVID shutdowns”

Imagine you were hiding from an active shooter in your office

You won’t come out due to fatigue/’d want to be sure the shooter was neutralized

So how do we know the COVID shooter has been neutralized?

Read on
If the number of cases, hospitalizations, deaths are going up in your state, it’s time to keep hiding

Attached are graphs of states where cases are going up. Fully re-opening these state NOW will likely generate a 2nd wave and result in a tighter, longer shut down

If the number of cases, hospitalizations, deaths are going down then gradual re-opening makes sense. See attached a graph of countries that have aggressively brought their numbers down and can safely reopen

How to win? Test-Trace-Isolate, and maintain shut down for a few weeks to flatten the curve.

Minimize patriotic fervor. The virus responds to science, not emotion.

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Don’t get frustrated.

And please don’t pressure your governments into ending shutdowns when the data is not favorable

We don’t force a pilot to land a plane when we’re vomiting due to turbulence. We put up with it

Economies are built for people; people are not built for economies.

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