One thing I wish I could give aspiring romance writers a crash course on is writing deep emotional POVs. One of the biggest technical flaws in submissions for me is that the manuscript lacks the emotional depth needed to make the story memorable or engaging for readers.
I think it's extremely hard because romance is a genre where most of the unique action happens in those moments, either as introspection or as dialogue between characters.
The best thing to do is read popular romance authors and study how much page time per chapter is just...emotions and observing them. If you break it down, many successful romance novels spend much more time on the feels than they do moving from plot point to plot point.
I think, along with this, most aspiring romance writers make the mistake of learning to write plot and assume that the romantic arc + plot is enough. The big ticket is that, in a romance novel, your romance should be so big and emotional that the book couldn't work w/out it
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