#kpopisoverparty i'm fucking tired of cancel hashtags so let's fucking go, let's cancel something that deserves it. find a stan and let them know just how used and abused their idols really are.
the sad part is that unlike all the cancel hashes, you don't even need to dig for evidence here. one Google search is all it takes to find mountains of tales about the horrific manner in which the K-pop industry treats its musicians.
OH, and just to confirm in case anyone had any doubts - this has nothing to do with the music, it's nothing to do with the image. Sure i'm a greasy Fantanoite neckbeard and K-pop is not my thing musically but. this is about the conditions they work in.
WOW this blew up beyond what i could ever have expected, which probably says a lot about my low expectations lmao

Just so everyone can see it, yeahhhh i think i'm ranted out about K-pop. said everything i could. I'll try and focus on things i like for now and ignore this thread
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