I wish binary/non-binary weren't the standard words we use.

They don't even make sense. If it's possible be non-binary, then everyone is some flavor of non-binary.

It implies a dichotomy between binary/non-binary is a basic tenet of gender, when they're actually one concept.
Like, saying this as someone who falls reasonably close to whatever "binary woman" means, this language did nothing but make me feel boxed in.

Because of my proximity to "woman", I have in the past erroneously sought "womanhood", when I should've been seeking Caroline.
It's really easy to conflate labels with ideals, and, sincerely, fuck that.
SO MUCH of our language lives in a binary world. Why does *our* language have live there too? Binary is so coded into our language that we kept the word inside a system that expressly excludes it. wtf
I tweeted all of this from the bath, which means I have been in the bath for almost an hour 😎
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