Trigger spoilers about enemies thread, so don't click on this if you don't want spoilers for their shows:
We good? Cool.

Trigger needs to stop with their 'oh I'm actually exactly like you, the protagonist, but more evil and even stronger' twist.
It's gotten absolutely boring now and it's becoming increasingly clear that they just can't write compelling villains that are different from one another.

They're all cookie cutter villains cut from the exact same trope and it's lame, there's no originality at all.
Gurren Lagann (Yeah I know it's Gainax but still creative team): Spiral King was great because he showed Simon the hubris of humanity's past and what not to become, plus he got an amazing redemption in the end.

Panty and Stocking: That 'twist' ending still sucks.
Kill La Kill: Ragyo Kiryuin was a pretty awesome antagonist throughout the latter half of the show and it at least made sense for Ryuko to be related to her.

Promare: This is where it gets dumb. The 'reveal' of Kray being a burnish was pretty lacklustre.
Now, we get to the true culprit. The reason why I made this thread.

BNA spoilers below:
The twist is that the evil CEO antagonist is a three headed god wolf that comes out of utterly no where... They reused the Kray twist... WHAT?!
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