1/5 The convergence of gambling and online gaming is becoming more and more real and @epicpgc we are increasing the emphasis on this in our work in education.These unusual times have brought about a significant shift in this and its imperative that there is more emphasis on this.
2/5 Participation rates are increasing at incredible rates. Fortnite have just hit 350 million registered players. That's an increase of about 100 million in the past year. But that's not even the craziest number: In April, players spent 3.2 BILLION hours in the game. @epicpgc
3/5 Built into many of these games includes spending real-money to play slot machines, spin wheels and other mechanics commonly found in casinos. Some games are rated appropriate for kids as young as 3 years old by the gaming industry's self-regulatory boards, PEGI and the ESRB.
4/5 The self-regulatory boards announced a new warning label for games like this: "In-Game Purchases: Includes Random Items". I am not sure this warning label adequately informs consumers of the gambling. This is only going to grow with the emergence of eSports during this time.
5/5 It is absolutely vital that schools ensure that their pupils but also their teachers and parents are aware of the links between the two,the gateway from one to the other and how fast it is changing. Education is absolutely key to this. @epicpgc can help. #gambling #gaming
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