“Far-Right” meaning anyone that;

1. Voted Leave
2. Votes Conservative
3. Believes in controlled migration
4. Doesn’t accept socialism.

That’s pretty much the media definition these days. I mean, Boris is a fascist murderer according to some Labour MPs....

1/ https://twitter.com/nadiawhittomemp/status/1259194420337029125
I’ll accept that there has been a rise in the far-right, but I’m going to say why, and some of those on the left/centre won’t like it!

You stopped listening to the people. When you don’t listen, when you suppress people’s right to speak, to have a choice, they resort to...

...more drastic measures to be heard. However, let’s look at something important, Europol’s 2019 report (which only goes to 2018, always a year behind).

👉🏻 https://is.gd/XHC8wL 

The above pictures show that left wing terrorism is a far bigger issue (and has been for years) than right wing terrorism. So why don’t we ever talk about it?

This isn’t from a source that can be argued against, this is Europol.

Will we ever talk about left wing terrorism the same as we do right wing? Or will we continue to sit idle and pretend that the moral superiority of the left means they can’t possibly be terrorists?

The rise of the far left has been ignored because it’s too inconvenient.

However, instead of being honest, we have to see tweets from an MP that lied, made elderly people worry, as she promotes herself more and more. I’m sure her times article is a riveting read about the evils of Boris and the need to do the exact opposite of what we want and...

...voted for.

After all the left are now that certain of their own intellectual superiority and beliefs, they are willing to create terror and fear to impose it!

Can we discuss this yet? (Waits for account to be deleted).

(Also search “left wing terrorism” in google and look at the results, countless articles about far right terrorism... surely that can’t be correct? No articles on the terrorism from the left?)

*All terrorism is bad! I don’t care why, it’s always wrong - to be clear*
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