People who keep saying that we should ignore stay at home orders and that we will defeat the virus through going out and “strengthening our antibodies” .... wtf do you propose people with weakened immune systems do? People with diabetes, lupus, etc.?
I have many family members/loved ones who have pre-existing conditions that put them VERY much at risk for contracting the virus and their immune systems won’t be able to fight it off. Honestly, the chances are, you probably know and love many people in the same boat.
But you’re willing to put that all at risk because you want
A) a haircut
B) to go to the bar
C) to hang out with your friends, etc.
And it’s absolutely ridiculous because not only is that SO fucking selfcentered and selfish, I WANT ALL OF THOSE SAME THINGS & SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE
It’s just so frustrating to see so many people basically say “yeah, I know thousands of people will die, but idc because I miss my boyfriend!” or some similar shit. Like bitch... fuck you, stop being an idiot and start REALIZING YOUR MOM COULD DIE, HELLO WHO’S MORE IMPORTANT?!
And the fact that some health care workers aren’t taking this seriously at all?? And they’re “quarantining” at different friends’ houses each week and having friends over at their houses and still calling it “QUARATININE” LIKE WhAT ARE YOU DUMB!?!!!!
I know it’s not fun AT ALL to stay at home all day, but isnt it worth it to keep everyone safe? Idk, maybe I’m more empathetic than most people (just kidding, not “maybe” bc I CLEARLY am since I’m one of the few people actually listening to the scientists telling us to stay home)
I just want everyone to be able to live through this pandemic, but since you dummies can’t go more than a fucking week without meeting up with your friends to have a drink and smoke a blunt, it’s going to take a lot longer than it should.
So I just think y’all should keep that in mind when the stay at home orders are in place for another 6+ months and we’re all still out of jobs. Don’t complain, because it’s probably your fault.
And yes, this thread is basically a subtweet for a FEW of my friends who follow me. Please do better, I’m begging you. I don’t want my mom to die.
You can follow @nateherm.
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