Leave it to a woman to equivocate anabolic steroids to body proportions. good fucking luck finding even a single girl who can match a guy with a similar level of training in any lift regardless of how much her "short arms" or "short femurs" help her.
oh? you did ballet? you have a good arch? ok i'm sure that'll make up for me having double your lean muscle mass.

oh, you just said all that shit to cover for your bourgeois political projects? your lgbt pets? lmfao ok white college girl.
"anabolic steroids? what do you mean?" I mean testosterone, the hormone that males have more than 20 times more ng/dl than women? the hormone that almost all performanc enhancing drugs are derived from? yah good luck to your short arms bridging that gap in the bench, lol.
the hormone that males have almost 20 times more ng/dl*

bad typo
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