The Curse of "Traditions" - A thread

Just because our moms/nanis/dadis had to bear something and they turned out "okay" doesn't mean what they bore was okay. Just because things have been a certain way for years doesn't make them a tradition that can't be changed. (1/5)
I had a relative whose husband was very violent & broke the plate if the food wasn't good enough. Their marriage stayed intact despite the abuse. Is that something we should cherish? Imagine the anxiety of a woman whose self esteem shattered each time the plate was broken. (2/5)
Does someone eventually settling for circumstances mean that the pain, anguish and utter violation of rights was acceptable? 

This is something we can change.
We can ensure our daughters aren't forced into marriage. And that we don't bind our happiness on their submission. (3/5)
We can attempt to raise our sons so that they aren't abusive to their spouses or to women in general.

We can start showing empathy to women who are in situations where they have had to compromise rather than downplaying or trivializing their trauma. (4/5)
We can in general make life so much more easier for everyone around us if we stop using traditions as the rope to bind women to practices that are not in their favor. (5/5)
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