look how happy 1st place winner jeno is........ i want to see him like this again........ đŸ„șlet’s stream the mv so we can increase digitals for music shows! 💚

🔗: article streaming (instructions in diff languages): https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTfHytOsuXFkwgMc7BXHK5RVCy9m4X-rir4VUBZOmUmw88sbymZ3-W4ohgShg9KXw4epdsNUSlyK-5-/pub
and ofc we all understandably have our own stuff going on so if u can’t stream manually, this thread is nice and helpful for streaming w a playlist on yt! 💚 thank u everyone 😄 https://twitter.com/jaemrenle/status/1258018671374430213?s=21 https://twitter.com/jaemrenle/status/1258018671374430213
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