Earlier today I was looking through Syar Wars Tik Toks cause you know, quarantine bordom. Anyway I found one that was like "Star Wars things I want to be inside of" and I was like oh boy, here we go. I knew it was going to be bad. It showed a few ships, Padmé... and then Ahsoka.
And I was like woah, hey, hold on there buddy. You know she's only 17 right? So I look in the comments and sure enough, other people have said the same thing, thank goodness. So I see that OP has commented on one that said something like "Don't you know she's 17?"
And OP had the gaul, the audacity, the fucking NERVE to respond with "She won't know if she's unconscious "
What. The. FUCK.
How... how can some be so fucked up in the head? How do I share the same species with this monster? Now sure, they could have been joking, but does it really matter? You just don't joke about stuff like that
I guess this will be the end of this thread but if you see anything like this PLEASE report it, I mean what the hell
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