#SCAD storytime!!! A thread About its horrible administration!! Whee!! When I came into SCAD I had a disability plan for classes bc I have several disabilities and the major one was narcolepsy. I had accommodations like I needed an extra day for some assignments and I sometimes
needed breaks esp if the classroom was dark and I can’t use stairs that well so I needed some extra time to get to-from class. Lastly I needed a copy of professor’s teachings like the powerpoint files or an audio recording of class lectures to study from. I was flat out told in
my advising meetings that I couldn’t have any of that after they assured my parents I could. And they added a stipulation to everything I requested that I needed to preemptively ask for help. As in if I needed extra time I needed to actually request it a week ahead.
Now I don’t know about you but narcolepsy episodes and sleep paralysis aren’t things you can just Predict Happening. So after having MORE THAN ONE professor look me in the eye and say they wouldn’t be following my disability plan I stopped even telling them I had it.
Suddenly I had much more respect from professors and much more understanding from them even when work was late. My advisors all told me that there was no way professors could just deny my accommodations but. They did And nothing was ever done about it.
I also have a service dog, and holy fuck was that a nightmare with student housing. Administration attempted multiple times to put me, a disabled lad with connective tissue disorder on the sixth floor of a dorm complex with my service dog away from the elevators
If you’re an incoming SCAD freshman and you’re doing illustration/sequential don’t live at Monty. It’s an hour bus ride to class and downtown and busses barely run. When I was a student they uprooted the entirety of underclassmen and tried to move us all to Monty dorm with
Absolutely no notice. They didn’t even tell returning students and they barred us from even requesting another dorm. Monty is a concrete coffin factory prison don’t do it to yourselves.
You can follow @Ahymntohumanity.
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