im pretty silent on this subject most of the time and i hate to sound like an annoying "im not choosing sides" ass bitch but my god. antis or anti-antis idgaf yall are all kinda weird lbr.
for some ppl the argument has gone far beyond the content ppl are making it's literally just CLOWNERY and its so so so funny bc its about anime characters. ive written bad content before, day 28 of kinktober was a thing, the noncon cathrhea was a thing,
so clearly im not here to tell anybody to stop posting weird shit but i also understand the sheer disgust people can have about this content. on the other hand i also cant imagine "hating" something and dedicating so many hours in a day to hunting down ppl who do the thing i hate
im gonna be a little more honest about this going forward, i change my opinion on this frequently and im not afraid to say that. i like certain things that yes in real life would be considered outlandish if not straight up terrible. but then there are days where i do feel disgust
and embarrassment towards not only myself but others who create this content. and no this is not a cue for "write what you want!" remarks because that is not the point. the point is the internet is a waste of space and energy and i got sick of writing this thread halfway through
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