Today in the pages of @TheNVIndy @orrinjohnson declared the coronavirus epidemic to be over, and said it was time to get back to normal while praising @ChuckMuth & his Weekend Freedom Brigade. Because Orrin didn't get the virus when he teleworked for six weeks, he thinks
It is safe for us to go back to our jobs, for tourists to return to Nevada, and for "Life to get back to normal." He's convinced that there is overwhelming demand to go shopping, get hair cuts and dine in restaurants because he is bored. And he thinks workers have nothing to fear
Of course the reality is different, one week of the White House firing up its roadshow led to a large coronavirus cluster in Washington, D.C. The reason many of us haven't gotten sick is because we stayed home. But that doesn't mean we will be safe if we go back to restaurants
Sporting events and shopping malls. The public doesn't seem to believe this, despite the noise @ChuckMuth & his "Weekend Freedom Brigade" are making. Who in their right mind is going to pay more to expose themselves to a greater risk? Who is going to conclude that buying a new
Pair of socks is worth risking their life? The answer is not that many people. These were the parking lots in Fallon on Saturday at 6:30 p.m., the day Nevada "reopened." The only customers were getting carryout. The reality is that Nevada won't get back to normal
Until there is widespread and instant testing. Only then can people be reasonably confident that no one around them at a restaurant, at an office building, at a movie theater or at a Casino has COVID-19. Until then, people will continue to fear coronavirus and coronavirus will
Continue to spread. So far, communities of color have been the hardest hit. So many media pontificators are mystified as to why this might be when there is a simple explanation: poverty is higher in communities of color and therefore more people of color have been working.
Further, economic explains why Wal Mart has a lower share of people wearing masks than Safeway. If you're barely putting food on the table, you're not going to spend $15 on masks. Wal Mart shoppers also don't follow @GovSisolak's social distancing guidelines (photo was on Friday)
Even during the shut down, Corona spread among workers at the plants like the one that prompted this thread. Yet somehow elites, largely due to the abjecy recklessness of @realDonaldTrump, have deluded themselves into believing we are safe from the virus. Even in Korea, which did
A far better job at handling this crisis and had mass testing, reopening brought with it a spike of cases and a new round of closures. So go ahead, open your office, go to a restaurant, catch a movie, and play blackjack. Get back to normal but don't be surprised when you come
Home with COVID-19. Sadly, it seems like we are going to have to learn this the hard way over the coming month. I suspect May of 2020 will be looked back upon as one of the biggest blunders in American history.
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