******************** THREAD ********************
My friends there is a Deep State the consisted of a group of Democrat & Republican members of our Government as well as a large number of un-elected members of our Alphabet Agency's that had a plan to enrich themselves .....
and their family's by selling out America to basically the highest bidders from around the World.

This plan basically started with George H. W. Bush then Bill Clinton then Bush Jr. When during Bush Jr's term they figured out they can make a whole lot of Money from ......
fake Wars and then the rebuilding projects that never really got off the ground but the Money was paid anyway made their family's very wealthy.

Then came BHO, his 8 years in office changed American values from a strength based value to an apology, weakness based values. .....
BHO did several things during his 8 years in Office.
Encouraged Race division.
Encouraged distrust in Law Enforcement.
Weakened the Military.
Armed the Mexican Drug Cartels.
Created, Trained and weaponized ISIS.
Politicized our Intel and Investigative Agency's.
Armed N. Korea and Iran with Nuclear capabilities.
Allowed Mass migration into the USA.
I am sure there are a few I did not mention but you get the general idea.
What was supposed to happen next is the really scary part and that is it was arranged for HRC ......
to win the Presidential election in 2016 and she was to continue the fire sale of America. HRC during her 8 years was to :
Make "Hate Speech" punishable by Law effectually doing away with our 1st Amendment Rights.
Repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Continue to weaken the Military.
Install some form of "The Green New Deal" that would destroy Oil and Coal production.
Continue to aide N. Korea and Iran with Nuclear capabilities until they are both viable Nuclear threats.
Turn our backs on Israel and openly support their destruction.
And once all of this is accomplished WWIII would break out when Iran attacks Israel with a Nuclear weapon, N. Korea takes advantage of Israel's War and attacks S. Korea and Japan with their Nuclear weapons.
Then the United Nations steps in effectually stops the War with .......
the help of China's Military because America's Military is no longer strong and China is now the Dominate Military on the Planet. Once the Mini-War is over they create and New World Government.
This New World Government will be formed with the greatest intentions for ......
equality for all Men and Women on the Planet but it will quickly morph into socialism when the elite lavish in luxury while We the Common People work ourselves to death to supply their needs.
Have you read "The Hunger Games"? Do you really believe that when the rich ......
and powerful gain the control they so desperately want to get their hands on they will be kind and generous to the common folk like us? You are getting a small taste of how things will be right now if the Democrats gain the power they desire, look at Michigan for example, .......
these are the personality types that will take over and they will not be kind.
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights will be considered Null and Void and a new Constitution and Bill of Rights will be drafted and they will look nothing like the originals did.
Thankfully "We The People" threw a Monkey Wrench into their plans and elected Donald J Trump as our POTUS in 2016 and destroyed all of their plans by showing us through the cutting of regulations, Tax cuts that America can and will be great again and if he does what I .....
thing he is going to do the People are going to prosper like never before. President Trump has already done amazing things for America and always puts the best interests of the American people first and foremost when he makes any major decision, Name another POTUS ......
that would have shut down the most successful economy in history to save American lives? Do you think BHO or WJC would have shut an economy down that was as successful as Pres. Trump was?
Pres. Trump now has a Justice dept. and a Law minded Attorney General working for .......
him and he is gathering up all the evidence that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt all of the criminal activities this "Deep State" has been up to. They are guilty of:
Spying on a Political Campaign.
Knowingly attempt to overthrow a duly elected POTUS.
Knowingly attempt to overthrow or hamper the Government.
False imprisonment.
President Trump's Justice Dept. has also broken up and arrested Thousands of Human/Child/Sex trafficking rings.
Shut down Thousands of child porn websites across the internet.
This THREAD is already long enough so I believe I will end it here and leave you with a little advise.
Watch the News these coming weeks because now that the Documents have been declassified and released there is going to be a whole lot more coming out that will not ........
only surprise you but shake you to your core.

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