i’m bored so imma tell y’all my friend’s reaction https://twitter.com/bwaydarlene/status/1258983278448480257
so she’s not really into musicals but she does enjoy them. i told her who the characters are and i tell her someone wins the lottery in the barrio. she guesses abuela will win and i’m like 👀. when i told her about usnavi, she was like “ha like u.s. navy” and i’m like 👀
anyways we watch and she enjoyed the song “ith” and after “breathe” she was like “relatable”. she enjoyed “when you’re home”. she was shocked when she was write about abuela wining the lotto. she was in awe in how well i knew the lyrics.
after “piragua”, she was like “i get moana vibes” and i’m like 👀. she didn’t know l*m wrote the songs so i was surprise. uhhh she liked “the club” a lot. uhhh end of act 1
she thought “sunrise” was really pretty. she liked how the characters changed clothes. idk why but she does. she thought “carnival del barrio” was a banger. as you should. she liked the harmonies in “alabanza” 🥺
she also really liked “everything i know” and “when the sun goes down”. she also really liked the ending cuz usnavi decides to actual just stay there and abuela being painted onto the grate 🥺
so yea she liked it. i made her watch it cuz she said she was interested in seeing the movie, so being the nice friend i am, i made her watch the OG first. i wish we were able to watch it this year tho 😪 so yea end of thread
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