congratulations! i've reached my fucking limit with these online classes! i'm so fucking tired of gpa's, i'm so fucking tired of feeling so lost, i'm sick of shaking all the time, i'm sick of being awake until 7 am and asleep until 4 pm.
tired of trying to say that i've made progress in therapy but i've really just bullshitted my way through this. i'm so sick of school. i want to drop out so badly.

every time i rant like this i always feel like shit after because someone's going to read this one way or another.
i'm so done with drumline. i love it with ever fiber of my being but i hate the way i look in the uniforms. i hate how hard i have to strive to just be able to find motivation to even meet the minimum requirement to even be in the activity.
i'm trying so hard. they said it'd be better in a year. it's the same, just more complex. thanks to all this, i have a constant fucking fog in my head and have to lie to myself, desperately wanting to believe that i've made progress.
i'm so FUCKING done.
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