As veganism increases in popularity, so does the resistance against it. 5 years ago, before veganism was as well known as it currently is, the arguments were commonly as simple as "lions tho" and "taste good tho." However, as our presence grows, (cont)
nonvegans are starting to feel more pressure to justify their harmful actions, and those basic arguments aren't cutting it anymore. That's why I think we're starting to see an emergence of "fake woke" anti vegan arguments; the ones that usually go something like (cont)
"Veganism is racist!" "Vegans hate crop pickers!" "Veganism is a privilege!" On the surface, these arguments sound progressive and thoughtful. They make the person delivering them sound like they care about the plight of oppressed groups of humans. (cont)
That's why I think they're so popular. They make the person feel justified in their nonvegan actions because these arguments, either directly or indirectly, associate veganism with something that, at least to some extent, contributes to some form of human oppression. (cont)
As a result, by poisoning the well, nonvegans feel like they are siding with POC, poor people, etc. by speaking out against veganism. It gives them an excuse to engage in cruelty that they don't need to all while appearing to reap the benefits of fighting for (cont)
social justice and equality. It's a very malicious form of virtue signaling. You're not fighting for anyone's rights by speaking out against veganism, but you are actively normalizing the violation of nonhuman animals' rights. If it were about human rights, (cont)
then we'd see discussions about worker welfare take place independent of the context of veganism, and we'd see slaughterhouse workers included in it. We'd see the indigenous people in the Amazon being pushed off of their land by cattle ranchers (cont)
talked about. We'd see the poor communities poisoned by animal agriculture talked about. But they never are. The people discussing the "privilege" of veganism don't like talking about these issues, because their goal is to rationalize nonveganism/discredit veganism, (cont)
not speak out against perceived injustices out of a genuine concern for the people affected by them. (Finished)
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