All I ever asked somebody for is consistency and communication. I feel like being damn near 30 you should have mastered this by now
If you don’t want someone say it. If you’re going through something tell that person you need a little time for yourself because life is beating you down right now
Ppl make time for who they want. Nobody is ever too busy for you. My *sister* got 3 kids. A full time job and going to school online and we still talk damn near every day
Yes I know that relationship is different because I’ve known her for 15+years but my point is she has every reason to ghost me or not return my calls but she doesn’t
Whether you’re a friend or we’re talking I ask for the same thing. Going ghost on someone is weak. Just mean you’re not adult enough to express your feelings or what’s going on
This generation is too comfortable with not caring about others feelings and only out for themselves
I was raised on treat others the way you would want to be treated. And I’ve had so many blessings from ppl you can’t even think of bc my heart is pure.
I challenge us to do better
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