Fun fact: 100 years ago, my great grandfather asked his brother in Alameda County to help him apply for a passport so he could visit England, France, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium for Fidelity Motor Supply Co. And here I am in 2020...
Abraham Goldbaum = Abe Keene

Having a Jewish name in 1920 wasn't such a great asset, apparently. The Keene name has stuck in our family ever since.
Abe was apparently a character. Once he was in Paris, he somehow got involved a lawsuit involving "400,000 dozen of huck towels" in which 4.2 million francs of his employers' money went missing—presumably not the Fidelity Motor Supply Co.
Toward the end of his life (about 20 years later) he was also involved in a slip-and-fall lawsuit involving an elevator in his building, which yielded this amazing transcript:
But by far his greatest life accomplishment was this episode, which made (small) national headlines in 1902. Second place: trying to join the Masonic Order in Sonora, Mexico in 1904 after they booted him out in Tucson, possibly because he was Jewish. (General Eagan wasn't alone.)
The Embalmed Beef Scandal was a thing. A thing with a Wikipedia page, even. Which makes it all the more ironic that Abe's father, my great great grandfather, was scalped by Geronimo's tribe. (No hard feelings!)
Don't worry, this is the last post in this thread. But here's a Remington drawing of dead Marcus Goldbaum in the Whetstone Mountains. Poor guy. If only Geronimo's tribe had known that his 12-year-old son would be on their side 16 years later.
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