IGG's I backed in 2020.
Pinning this to my profile.

Cyberfrog Rekt Planet ID5880 @EthanVanSciver
Pandemic ID1630 #yaboiZach
Blade Devil ID#2778 @RageGoldenEagle
The Expendables ID3664 Sly Stallone Chuck Dixon Graham Nolan #yaboiZach

#ComicsGate #promotecomics #Comics
IGG's I backed in 2020
CyberFrog Unfrogettable Tales ID3166 @EthanVanSciver
Mary Boys ID455 @maryboys1
Cash Grab ID2480 @dickandcomix @DonalTDeLay
Foreign Agent ID626 @Plaster_Harris

#ComicsGate #Comics #promotecomics
IGG's I backed in 2020
Black Flag: Pineapple Perception @FragaBoom @couchdoodles

Been a huge fan of CG since 2017. I see they've turned that life boat into a yacht. Congratulations!
#ComicsGate #promotecomics #Comics #sixfiguresyounglady
Backed The Lost Pages by @ZaidComics @Zaidninja @FillPops. Let's get this to $10,000 so we can get all those awesome stretch goals.
#ComicsGate #TeamComics #PromoteComics #Comics
Backed DO AS YOU'RE TOLD: The Ballad of No by #YaboiZach (Richard C Meyer) and @comickelsey

"A Lunatic Escapes From An Insane Asylum And Finds America In 2020 To His Liking."

#ComicsGate #PromoteComics #TeamComics #IndieComics

Back Ballad of No on: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/do-as-you-re-told-the-ballad-of-no-comic-book?utm_campaign=contribution_receipt&utm_content=receipt-campaign_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=lifecycle#/
You can follow @ShieldHero55.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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