let's talk clouds! ☁️

ever wanted to talk about all the 10 types of clouds in #japanese? have you wondered what the japanese word for "cumulonimbus" is?

this is the thread for you!
the formal JP name of each cloud type comes from the latin roots of the EN names, using these kanji:

雲 (うん) = cloud

巻 (けん) = cirro- (curl)
高 (こう) = alto- (high)
乱 (らん) = nimbo- (disorder [jp] rainstorm [latin])
積 (せき) = cumulo- (heap)
層 (そう) = strato- (layer)
(1) 巻雲 (けんうん) = cirrus
aka すじ雲 (すじぐも), "streaky clouds"

cirrus clouds are wispy and form high in the sky.

in japan, clouds like cirrus are traditionally associated with the clear weather of autumn.

巻雲 can also be written as 絹雲 ("silk clouds").
(2) 巻積雲 (けんせきうん) = cirroculumus
aka うろこ雲 (うろこぐも), "scale clouds"

cirroculumus forms as patches of small clouds high in the sky.

うろこ雲 is a 季語 (きご, seasonal words used in poetry) that signals autumn. it's also called いわし雲 ("sardine clouds").
(3) 巻層雲 (けんそううん) = cirrostratus
aka 薄雲 (うすぐも), "thin clouds"

cirrostratus clouds are very thin and can cover the sky, making the sky look milky.

薄雲 is somewhat associated with spring in japan and may portend rain.
(4) 高積雲 (こうせきうん) = altocumulus
aka ひつじ雲 (ひつじぐも), "sheep clouds"

altocumulus takes the form of big patches of globular clouds, larger and darker than cirrocumulus.

in japan, ひつじ雲 is yet another 季語 indicative of autumn.
(5) 高層雲 (こうそううん) = altostratus
aka おぼろ雲 (おぼろぐも), "hazy clouds"

altostratus clouds reside at mid-altitude, covering the sky and sometimes blocking out the sun.

おぼろ雲 isn't a common word, but luckily it's easy to understand from the combo of おぼろ and 雲.
(6) 乱層雲 (らんそううん) = nimbostratus
aka 雨雲 (あまぐも), "rain clouds"

nimbostratus are gray, uniform clouds that produce rain and snow.

japan famously has its rainy season during the summer, starting in june and continuing into july.
(7) 層積雲 (そうせきうん) = stratocumulus

stratocumulus clouds form in large, dark clumps low in the sky, often seen on cloudy days.

層積雲 doesn't appear to have any alternative names that are commonly used.
(8) 層雲 (そううん) = stratus
aka 霧雲 (きりぐも), "fog clouds"

stratus clouds form hazy sheets low in the sky, like fog but higher up.

in japan, fog (霧) is traditionally associated with autumn.
(9) 積雲 (せきうん) = cumulus
aka 綿雲 (わたぐも), "cotton clouds"

cumulus clouds are fleecy, fluffy clumps with flat bases.

in japan, 綿雲 are loosely associated with the season of spring, according to my research.
(10) 積乱雲 (せきらんうん) = cumulonimbus
aka 雷雲 (らいうん), "thunder clouds"

the most ominous of clouds, cumulonimbus are dense and tall. they can produce lightning and other dangerous weather.

out of all the official cloud names, 積乱雲 is the most well known!
hope you enjoyed this journey through the clouds! ⛅

- disclaimer: the official cloud names and the alternative cloud names do not necessarily correspond 1-to-1

- all images taken from wikipedia
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